'THESE BOOKS REALLY GO OFF!' -- Mac Park, Boy Vs Beast The chapter books your reluctant reader will actually want to read! That's what Uranus looks like? It's not shaped like a butt! Ben's class is off to the new space exhibit. The fart monster can't wait to show Ben where he comes from -- Planet Let 'er Rip! When the two friends find an empty space shuttle, is this their chance to visit the fart monster's home?FART MONSTER AND ME is the hilarious series from bestselling duo Tim Miller and Matt Stanton -- sure to get kids laughing ... and reading! PRAISE FOR THE FART MONSTER AND ME SERIES'I would recommend this book and series to readers who enjoy funny stories, like toilet humour and maybe don't really enjoy reading that much -- I think this series could help to change that. 5 out of 5 from me!' -- ReadPlus
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Biographical note

Tim Miller is an Australian bestselling children's author living in Sydney. By day, he is a Marketing Manager, and in his spare time he writes hilarious books for kids of all ages. His first picture book, There Is a Monster Under My Bed Who Farts, was an instant hit. He has now published eight picture books, including Dinosaur Dump and Don't Spew in Your Spacesuit. Tim's most recent publications are the four books for emerging readers in the Fart Monster and Me series, and a picture book celebrating fatherhood, Happy Farter's Day. Matt Stanton is a bestselling children's author and illustrator who has sold more than one million books. His middle-grade series Funny Kid debuted as the #1 Australian kids' book and has fans all around the world. He has twenty picture books to his name, including the award-winning Books That Drive Kids Crazy! and Fart Monster series, and is the creator of the immensely popular graphic novel series, The Odds, and the Bored novels. Fluff is his latest series. Matt lives in Sydney with his wife, bestselling author Beck Stanton, and their children. mattstanton.net