I love this... A funny chaotic diary. One of those delightful books both my nine year old and my six year old enjoy. A delight to read aloud.
- Sally Nicholls, award-winning author of WAYS TO LIVE FOREVER,
Biographical note
Joanna Nadin has written more than 70 books for children, teenagers and adults, since leaving her previous jobs as a broadcast journalist and special adviser in government. Her books include the award-winning Penny Dreadful series, the Flying Fergus series with Sir Chris Hoy, the Worst Class in the World series and the Carnegie Medal-nominated Joe All Alone, which became a BAFTA-winning BBC drama. She has won the Fantastic Book Award and the Surrey Book Award, has been shortlisted for the Hearst Big Book Awards, the Roald Dahl Funny Prize, a BookTrust Best Book Award and Queen of Teen, and twice-nominated for the CILIP Carnegie Medal. Joanna has a doctorate in young adult literature and lectures in creative writing at Bath Spa University.
Rikin Parekh studied art at the Camberwell College of Arts and the University of Westminster. A major film buff and Marvel aficionado, he currently works with year fives in a London primary school inspiring children to draw their own monsters.