“This is a really poignant story cleverly told with humour taking the sting out of the sadness and with an upbeat ending that still had me reaching for a tissue.”
Primary Times
“[…] it is a sign of Durant’s supreme confidence as a storyteller that he can make the saddest stories the vehicles for his wildest ideas.”
The Daily Telegraph
“Clownfish is an autumnal gem.”
The Telegraph
“The story rings with humour and longing without ever being maudlin or depressing; it does not dwell on the pain, but shows how to cope with loss. And it demonstrates clearly that there is no right or wrong way to grieve. Gentle, funny, genuine and warm, this is a hopeful, memorable book.”
Fallen Star Stories
“Overall this is a sweet, sometimes funny but mainly heartwarming story that is absolutely worth a read.”
The Glasgow Herald