"The arcs of imaginary rainbow are as bright and present as the actual chalked part, and they convey a buoyant sense of triumph as they lengthen to fill the pictures with light and color."
Kirkus Review
“Here is a story of trust, where we learn that unconditional love can help us to view things differently…There are many ways of solving problems and sometimes it is important to follow that rainbow.”
Bookseller NZ
"An essential addition to the school library’s collection and the home library of the siblings of an ASD child."
The Bottom Shelf
"(an) important (book).. for all childcare centres, kindergartens and primary schools"
Toddler Book Reviews
"A wonderful book to share with the children giving them a real insight into how kids with autism see the world. It encourages acceptance and understanding of difference while showing there are many ways to solve a problem."
Jnr Bookworms Book Review
Being different is hard. Zane is autistic and can’t stand the colour black. His sister devises a perfect way to deal with this and the family joins in. Touching and thought-provoking with colourful illustrations.
"This thought-provoking picture book shows the challengers faced by a family living with Autism, and how love, acceptance and all the colours of the rainbow help them work through the difficulties together."
The Sunday Telegraph
"Reading this book to my eight year old autistic son, he says “it reminds me of my brother, and the little boy is me.” To him, it is simply a book about a big sister helping her little brother, and I believe not making autism a literal issue (by actually stating that Zane has autism), means that this book does not need to be pigeon holed as an “autism book” but can rather be viewed as a book about inclusion, and respecting differences, no matter what those differences are."
Spectrum Women
Biographical note
Deborah Kelly is the author of several popular picture books for children as well as a chapter book series. She also writes Haiku poetry, inspired by living in Japan for two years. Born in New Zealand, Deb now lives in Australia with her husband and two children.
Gwynneth Jones drew all through her maths book at school, so left to study art at TAFE and then majored in Plant and Wildlife Illustration at the University of Newcastle. Since then, Gwynneth has been imagining and drawing madly, exhibiting and holding market stalls, and creating picture books. As well as full-time art making, Gwynneth is also studying to be an art therapist.