Biographical note
Janina Ramirez (Author)
Janina Ramirez is a cultural historian who teaches at the University of Oxford. She went to school in Slough, England, is Polish and Irish, and married to a Spanish Scot. Janina fell in love with history on a visit to Hampton Court Palace in London when she was seven years old. Seeing a doorstep worn down by thousands of feet walking on it across centuries made her fascinating by people of the past.
Janina has written many books, some for adults and some for children. With a love of storytelling, she finds the best inspiration comes from looking back at the stories, people and ideas that inspired humans hundreds and thousands of years ago. Janina also presents documentaries on television and radio, which allows her to travel the world. But she is happiest at home with her family, four cats, three chickens and two hamsters.
Sarah Walsh (Illustrator)
Sarah Walsh grew up in upstate New York. When she was little she was obsessed with animals. So much so that she wanted to be one. Her mom knew this and sewed her an assortment of costumes she could wear all year round. She was also obsessed with drawing and from a very small age knew in her heart she would be an artist someday. If....she worked hard enough and practised. Currently Sarah is an internationally published illustrator with several adult colouring books, children's board books, activity books, and greeting cards under her belt. She lives with her family in Kansas City. Her work and other notions can be found at