A delicate subject touchingly and sensitively handled. You'll need a hanky . . .
Primary Times (Hampshire)
Many small children will be faced with the death of someone they love and this charming picture story might help them to come to terms with it.
Northern Echo
Moving to the point where younger children may be upset, but explains death gently. 10/10.
Daily Mirror
It is an enjoyable tale and I think young children will like it and might gain some insight into grief and how to cope with it.
Bereavement Care
One of the best books i've read on death and loss.
Biographical note
Alan Durant (Author)
Alan Durant is the author of books for a wide age-range, from picture books such as Burger Boy, Angus Rides the Goods Train and Always and Forever to top-end teenage thrillers (Blood, Flesh and Bones). Having worked as a copywriter at Walker Books, he is now a full-time author.
He's married, with three children and lives in Brighton. He does a lot of school visits throughout the UK and abroad and also runs writing workshops.
Debi Gliori (Illustrator)
Debi Gliori is the author and illustrator of many books for children, including the very popular Mr Bear series. She won the Children's Book Award picture book section, and was shortlisted for the Kate Greenaway Medal in 1997. Her backlist in Doubleday/Corgi includes Tell Me Something Happy Before I Go to Sleep and The Very Small. Pure Dead Magic, which introduced the Strega-Borgias, was her first novel. It was followed by Pure Dead Wicked, Pure Dead Brilliant, Deep Trouble, Deep Water and Deep Fear.
Debi lives in Scotland, near Edinburgh.