Many years ago, a team of strange, super-powered beings were brought together by the original Dr. Sin in order to stop a reality-spanning apocalyptic event known as "The Blood Rapture." That incarnation of The Vigilant were successful in their mission, but it came at a great cost.Years later, the evil Nazi genius Von Hoffman is now searching for dangerous artifacts which will enable him to kick-start Armageddon once again. While the new Dr. Sin and his fresh team of ragtag heroes are tested by new threats and interpersonal conflicts, Hoffman creeps closer to achieving his diabolical goal. With the complete unraveling of all reality on the line, the stakes have never been higher for The Vigilant!
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Treasury of British Comics
259 mm
187 mm
00, G, 01
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Antall sider

Biographical note

Best known for writing Transformers comics, Simon Furman was instrumental in making Marvel UK a success. During the eighties and nineties he worked on many titles for them, including the aforementioned Transformers and also Action Force, Thundercats, Doctor Who Magazine as well as two series he helped create – Dragon’s Claws and Death’s Head. More recently he has written the Annihilation: Rohan miniseries for Marvel US and the ten issue maxi-series To The Death series, drawn by his Transformers workmate, Geoff Senior. After starting his career as an inker at Marvel UK, Simon Coleby made his debut at 2000 AD in 1989, working on Future Shocks, Universal Soldier & Rogue Trooper. A favourite amongst 2000 AD fans, he has gone on to illustrate Judge Dredd, Low Life and Jaegir. Simon has also produced work for Games Workshop, DC Comics and Vertigo, for whom he co-created The Royals: Masters of War with fellow 2000 AD alumni , Rob Williams.