'Vampblade is a rollicking read and definitely worth the time for those whowant to read something that hearkens back to action cartoons and comics ofyesteryear but with a modern twist.' (The Broken Infinite)<br />
'Vampblade is a rollicking read and definitely worth the time for those whowant to read something that hearkens back to action cartoons and comics ofyesteryear but with a modern twist.' (The Broken Infinite)<br />
'Readers would expect a lot in the first season finale, but it did its jobextremely well.' (Geek-o-Rama)<br />
'Readers would expect a lot in the first season finale, but it did its jobextremely well.' (Geek-o-Rama)<br />
'The series continues to mix humor and action while having fun with thecomic medium and history as a whole.' (Graphic Policy)<br />
'The series continues to mix humor and action while having fun with thecomic medium and history as a whole.' (Graphic Policy)<br />