Entertainment takes its superhero universe on a side trip into the
All-Ages-verse. Valiant High is a super-powered preparatory academy where power
trumps popularity. Amanda “Livewire” McKee and her best friend,
Faith “Zephyr” Herbert are sophomores who have to deal with other
heroes such as Aric “X-O Manowar” Dacia, a record-setting running
back, Colin “Ninjak” King, a debonair foreign exchange student, and
Coach Bloodshot, who is a little too into dodgeball. Mysteries and eternal
enemies lurk about the school, but there are more important things for the
students to deal with, such as passing their driving test and finding a date for
Homecoming! Readers unfamiliar with the Valiant Universe can meet all the
characters in a common environment, even though they will be different from
their in-continuity incarnations. Still, it's filled with plenty of humor and
superhero high school antics that both old and new readers will enjoy.
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