Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />Admirers of Marcus Rediker's splendid <i>The Slave Ship</i> will be delighted by this historian's new book. Sailor, pioneer of guerrilla theater, and a man who would stop at nothing to make his fellow human beings share his passionate outrage against slavery, Benjamin Lay has long needed a modern biographer worthy of him, and now he has one.
- Adam Hochschild, author of King Leopold’s Ghost,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />A modern biography of the radical abolitionist Benjamin Lay has long been overdue. With the sure hand of an eminent historian of the disfranchised, Marcus Rediker has brought to life the wide-ranging activism of this extraordinary Quaker, vegetarian dwarf in a richly crafted book. In fully recovering Lay's revolutionary abolitionist vision, Rediker reveals its ongoing significance for our world.
- Manisha Sinha, author of The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />The unswerving eighteenth-century abolitionist Benjamin Lay, maligned when not ignored for many generations, has at last found his sympathetic biographer. In this captivating must-read book, Marcus Rediker shows that Lay's disfigured body contained a mind of steel and a heart overflowing with compassion for victims of the Atlantic slave trade. Lay's place in the annals of American reform is now secure.
- Gary Nash, author of Warner Mifflin: Unflinching Quaker Abolitionist,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />Lay's antinomian radicalism has been wonderfully excavated by Marcus Rediker in this eloquent testament.
- Catherine Hall, author of Legacies of British Slave-Ownership,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />This turbulent life of a seafarer, glove maker, and preacher is the stuff of legend, recovered with panache by Rediker.
- John Rees, author of The Leveller Revolution,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />In this vivid life, Rediker explains how Benjamin Lay, the dwarf, became an iconic prophet of abolitionism. Lay lived in the utmost simplicity in a cave, eating no meat, and wearing only clothes he had made himself. Rediker shows how Lay, despite his modesty, used spectacle to dramatise the cruelty of slavery, and explains why, despite clashes with the wealthy, Lay died at seventy-seven with an estate worth over £500, which he bequeathed to the poor. <i>The Fearless Benjamin Lay</i> offers a master class in eighteenth-century radical micro-history, showing how much is revealed by the scattered details of one man's life, a short man but a political and moral giant.
- Robin Blackburn, author of The American Crucible,
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />Like most satisfying biographies, Rediker's is part group biography, offering sketches of the lives with which Lay's intersected.
Times Literary Supplement
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />It is a pretty safe bet that for every 1,000 people who know of William Wilberforce, no more than the odd one might have heard of Benjamin Lay. But if anyone deserves to muscle in on the mildly self-congratulatory and largely middle-class pantheon of Abolitionist Saints, it is the gloriously improbable and largely forgotten Quaker throwback and hero of Marcus Rediker's generous and absorbing act-his own phrase-of 'retrospective justice'.
- David Crane, Spectator
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />Rediker has done a valuable service in rescuing Lay from obscurity ... I suspect there will be few readers who won't want to boil a celebratory turnip to salute what Benjamin Lay achieved in the course of his long and remarkable life.
- John Preston, Daily Mail
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />This is micro-history at its best, a careful concentration on one small man's activities as a way of testing out the limits of what could be thought, known and felt in the hive-mind of early modern America.
- Kathryn Hughes, Guardian (Best biographies of the year 2017)
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />It is a pretty safe bet that people reading this excellent biography of the Quaker radical Benjamin Lay will not have heard of him or his exploits. Hopefully because of Marcus Rediker's hard work and perseverance more people will now know of this extraordinary figure.
- Keith Livesy, A Trumpet of Sedition
Praise for The Fearless Benjamin Lay:<br /><br />Historian Marcus Rediker's excellent book . illuminates the life of this extraordinary man.
- Eugene Grant, New Statesman
Biographical note
Marcus Rediker is Distinguished Professor of Atlantic History at the University of Pittsburgh and Senior Research Fellow at the Collège d'études mondiales in Paris. He is the author of numerous prize-winning books, including The Many-Headed Hydra (with Peter Linebaugh), The Slave Ship, and The Amistad Rebellion. He produced the award-winning documentary film Ghosts of Amistad (Tony Buba, director), about how the Amistad Mutiny of 1839 lives on today in popular memory among the people of Sierra Leone.David Lester is the co-creator of the graphic novels The Listener and the award-winning 1919: A Graphic History of the Winnipeg General Strike. His poster of anti-war protester Malachi Ritscher was exhibited at the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York.