"As wicked, wild, and weird as the original The Prisoner TV show." - The AV Club "Peter Milligan and Colin Lorimer's The Prisoner is a worthy successor to the ground-breaking and mindbending television show. 4 out of 5!" - Comic Book
"Feels like something from David Lynch's Twin Peaks." - Multiversity Comics
"Dynamically bizzare script...fast-paced action." - Newsarama
The lead is interesting, the plot and conflict are compelling, and the art is rock solid. Check it out." - Bleeding Cool
"Brings the mystery of The Village into the twenty-first century." - Broken Frontier
"The art by Colin Lorimer is fantastic!" - SciFi Pulse
"Fans finally get an opportunity to delve deeper into the mystery of this mysterious coastal village." - IGN
"9 out of 10!" - Geeks WorldWide
"One of the most exciting and potentially daring, not to mention topical, revivals of a classic property in comic form for a long time." - Set The Tape
"Milligan and Lorimer are a dream team!" - Paste Magazine