<b>"[A]n ambitious, sweeping re-imagining </b>of the entire saga that reframes the classic revenge tale in a sci-fi universe complete with airships, robots, elemental swords, and all the stunning visual detail that goes with it. The result is a must-read vision of a timeless tale....From the character designs to the worldbuilding to sword fights that unfold with breathtaking grace across elegantly structured panels,<b> it's a masterpiece of visual storytelling<i>, </i></b>layered with meaning and power on each page. <b><i>Count</i> is an ambitious idea transformed into a masterpiece, and reaffirms Moustafa's place as one of the finest artists working in comics right now.”</b>
“<b>Brilliant… </b>A faithful retelling of the story with a new skin to all the characters and settings…<b>the magic is in what Moustafa and team add to it </b>. . . .I LOVED IT.”