LIBRARY JOURNAL (STARRED) -- On the night of June 14, 2017, the Grenfell Tower apartments in West London went up in flames, killing 72 and injuring many more. Materials used in building renovation were substandard for the height of the 24-story structure, and burning insulation emitted toxic cyanide gases. The rapid spread of the fire trapped many of the victims, destroying lives, families, and a community. This anthology of graphic works parallels the paperback collection <i>24 Stories of Hope for the Survivors of the Grenfell Tower Fire</i>. These 24 comics in 24 panels or less capture the essence of the suffering of the survivors, whose hopes and dreams were destroyed in minutes. The contributing artists and writers, including Alan Moore, Kieron Gillen, Alex de Campi, and many others, are helping to repair the psyches of these individuals with this empathetic treatment of Grenfell and similar horrors, with funds from sales supporting post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) therapy.<br /><b>VERDICT</b> A must for libraries offering graphic novels to their teen and older patrons. Art reaches out to heal damaged lives and provide needed treatment in this outstanding survey of contemporary British comic and graphic arts.--Cliff Glaviano, formerly with Bowling Green State Univ. Libs., OH<br /><br /><br />