Inspired by the experiences of the nurses known as the Angels of Bataan, this novel written by three bestselling authors is an emotional story of friendship and courage.
Lawhon (Code Name Helene), McMorris (The Edge of Lost), and Meissner (The Nature of Fragile Things) team up for an illuminating story of the nurses stationed in the Philippines during WWII . . . With this fine tale, the authors succeed at bringing to readers' minds the courage and sacrifice of those who inspired it.
Publishers Weekly
This is a fresh take on a very full genre of WWII retellings, and the authors do an excellent job keeping the timeline clear. If you enjoy reading about WWII, and want more than just the European front, this is a different vantage point worth reading.
Historical Novel Society
This work of historical fiction offers a perfect pick for your book club.
Three superstars of historical fiction team up to tell the story of the Angels of Bataan, nurses in and around the armed forces in the Philippines during WWII . . . Ariel Lawhon, Kristina McMorris, and Susan Meissner have crafted a novel rich in historical detail that immerses readers in the dangers and deprivation WWII nurses suffered in the Pacific, wrapped up with a hopeful ending.