In this fierce, compelling novel, Balestrini has found a way to individualise the universal, and universalise the individual, creating a document of the Italian labour struggles of the 1970s that has great value both as art and history. Balestrini becomes a channel for the working-class narrator, who stands for all the Southern masses who come north to the car factories to participate in the Italian 'economic miracle'. It's a book which charted a new course for fiction, one that deserves further exploration.
- Haru Kunzru, author of <i>White Tears</i>,
A fine example of a literary use of expressions that were then burgeoning in factories and mass meetings, caught between student unrest and worker fury.
- Umberto Eco, author of <i>The Name of the Rose</i>,
One of the best novels of the year . Nothing could seem further from or more relevant to our historical moment.
Chicago Tribune
As demands arise again that echo the demands of the period-less work, more pay, more leisure, guaranteed income - <i>We Want Everything</i> sends a stirring reminder that these are not new demands, and that although it is a new generation rising to the challenge, it is the same fundamental struggle that continues