<b>A brilliantly inventive writer</b>
- A.S. Byatt,
<b>Not just a Basque novelist but <i>the </i>Basque novelist</b>
<b>The most important Basque writer of his generation</b>
Times Literary Supplement
<b>A twisting and rewarding story</b>, and <b>one readers will savor</b> until the lovely finish
Publishers Weekly, starred review
<b>Profound, luminous and strange</b>. This is really <b>a remarkable novel</b>
Shiny New Books
Atxaga holds the attention by his sheer craft, by the complete control he exhibits
A narrative <b>steeped in poetry</b> in which Atxaga has brilliantly combined reality and fiction
- Jury of the National Spanish Literature Award,
A <b>dramatic </b>story that captivates the reader from the first pages to its splendid ending
La Razón
The reader will discover once again <b>the great poetic power of Atxaga</b>, and his incredible ability to build entire and profound universes
El Correo
Atxaga knows how to entertain, move and give autobiography all the charm of fiction
La Vanguardia