In Yorkshire, the Potter family are preparing to celebrate Elizabeth II’s arrival on the throne. Its three youngest members, however, are preoccupied with other matters. Stephanie has grown tired of their overbearing father and resolves to marry the local curate. Anxious teenager Marcus gains a new teacher and suffers increasingly disturbing visions. Then there is Frederica. On the brink of adulthood, a love affair with a young playwright may offer the freedom she desperately desires.THE FIRST FREDERICA POTTER NOVEL
Les mer
In Yorkshire, the Potter family are preparing to celebrate Elizabeth II’s arrival on the throne. Anxious teenager Marcus gains a new teacher and suffers increasingly disturbing visions. On the brink of adulthood, a love affair with a young playwright may offer the freedom she desperately desires.THE FIRST FREDERICA POTTER NOVEL
Les mer
Large, complex, ambitious, humming with energy and ideas... A remarkable achievement
Enlightenment and sexuality intersect in this novel from the Booker Prize winning author of Possession and The Children's Book