Her most sophisticated and novelistic anagrammatic work..
- Nathalie Haddad, The Paris Review
These are turns of phrase that want to be read aloud, that ask to be held by the tongue and thrown against the teeth. As utterances, they might resound like the Bible’s trumpets of Jericho, felling impenetrable walls and bringing new meaning into the violent breach.
- Annie Godfrey Larmon, Artforum
The variety of images in Zürn’s writing is astounding, but her drawings are strict black lines: abstract amorphous beings like teratomas with human or animal characteristics. Zürn’s drawings were billed as “automatic” work from the depths of the unconscious and, like her writing, the series of seemingly unrelated scenes and fantasies in Trumpets above all convey movement. The book plays with the contrast between chance and pattern.
- Joanna Walsh, The National