From the first page it is recognizably authentic Highsmith. Perhaps approaching her lesbian novel <i>Carol </i>in tenderness and theme, it has<b> a serenity rarely found in Highsmith's world </b>
- Geoffrey Elborn, Guardian
Years of producing tight, energetic thrillers has honed down Highsmith's style, and in this book, with its child-like simplicity, is quite <b>wonderfully readable </b>
- Philip Hensher, Mail on Sunday
The novel is a delight . . . all the more so for its<b> untypically sunny atmosphere </b>
Daily Telegraph
<i>Small g</i> is a welcome addition to Highsmith's published novels, offering readers an insight into a fascinating aspect of Swiss society and an <b>opportunity to explore Highsmith's final concerns and obsessions</b>
Its superabundance of characters is only one of the elements that give Small g its air of Shakespearean complexity
New York Times Book Review
What is most remarkable in this novel is the empathy . . . with which Highsmith writes about gay men . . . one can imagine the S<i>mall g</i> existing, a <b>piquant mixture of bohemianism and respectability</b>, exactly as Highsmith describes it
- Francis King, Spectator
Like Ripley, [Highsmith's characters] burn in a reader's memory
Los Angeles Times Book Review
All the qualities we love about Highsmith's work . . . are here in abundance . . . her characters astonish themselves, and us, by discovering love in the very last places they ever expected to find it
O Magazine