THE LION AND THE LAMB was one of my very favourite novels of last year and John Henry Clay has done it again with AT THE RUIN OF THE WORLD (incidentally, what a great title). Firmly routed in history, this is a compelling and addictive account of the demise of Rome's western empire, focusing in particular on one family that was influential in both the fields of battle and politics.
For Winter Nights
Biographical note
Dr John Henry Clay is a Lecturer in History at the University of Durham, from where he has built up an international academic and research reputation in Anglo-Saxon and Frankish history and archaeology, particularly concerning themes of conversion and religious identity, landscape perception and the transition from the late-Roman to the early-medieval period both in Britain and on the Continent. He completed his PhD at the University of York in 2008 and spent time as a visiting researcher at the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna, before taking up his post in Durham in 2010.
His first novel was THE LION AND THE LAMB.