“Arlt’s influence on figures like Borges, Cortazar, Onetti, and Piglia is substantial—and equally so are his literary reverberations today, when his grim, sordid view of life seems to speak louder than ever before.”—Ilan Stavans, editor of Mutual Impressions: Writers from the Americas Reading One Another
“Roberto Arlt is the greatest Argentine writer of the twentieth century.”—Ricardo Piglia, author of The Absent City and Artificial Respiration
“With a novel such as Mad Toy, brimming with fantasy and romance, yet pulling the rug out from under the protagonist—and the reader—at every turn, it seems clear that Arlt’s purpose is not just to tell a good story. Along the way, he also illustrates the uses of fantasy and humor. Fantasy, transforming the sordid into the beautiful, makes life seem sweeter; humor, exposing the illusions of fantasy, makes wisdom tolerable.”—from the Introduction
Biographical note
Roberto Arlt (1900–42) was an Argentine writer who published numerous plays and novels during his lifetime.