This is a brave, brutal story told with a shocking immediacy. Alex Wheatle has created a disturbing portrait of life in a children s home, in language which is plain, unsparing, and heart-rendingly poignant
Daily Mail
Strong and meaningful
Independent on Sunday
This is a book to read and nourish ... For it is a book which never gives up on its characters and, doing such, also never gives up on its readers
Morning Star
Impossible to put down
Buzz Magazine
Alex Wheatle writes from a place of honesty and passion with the full knowledge and understanding that change can only happen through words and actions
A gripping, horrifying and moving adventure story
I think I went through every emotion possible whilst reading this book and was bereft when I got to the end
With this groundbreaking work of fiction, Wheatle has produced what is truly the most moving book I have read this year
The New Nation
A beautifully written poetic portrayal of loyalty, friendship, and boyhood adventure
Big Issue
Alex Wheatle, always a gripping writer, has given us an important work about life as a kid in care in the 1970s and how brutality and abuse within the system can continue to distort and destroy lives down the years
Teen Librarian