Reacher, who has long since gained <b>mythical status</b>, is human after all ... This is storytelling of the highest order: <b>lean, laconic</b>, laced with tension
Evening Standard
The <b>invincible</b> Reacher is as <b>irresistible</b> as ever
Sunday Telegraph
Child is a <b>consummate </b>thriller writer: his prose is trim but descriptive, his plots believable, fresh and positively <b>airtight</b>, and shows himself a <b>master</b> of misdirection
Time Out
Lee Child is often mistaken for a US writer, so<b> skilfully</b> and enthusiastically has he embraced the idiom of the American thriller ... One of the genre's <b>finest </b>practitioners
Another <b>cracking</b> teeth-<b>chatterer</b>
Daily Mail
Possibly the British author's <b>best yet</b>
Daily Mirror
After nine well-received Jack Reacher novels in as many years, Lee Child has established his best-selling series on a firm foundation. Readers can pick up any of the books and have a good idea of what to expect. They know Reacher will perform daring<b> acts of bravery</b> and feats of <b>deductive brilliance</b>.They can expect to find a little humor, a little sex, and the<b> best action scenes</b> in the business. <i>The Hard Way</i> is a <b>straight-ahead, high-octane</b> thriller that drops the reader down in the middle of the story and keeps you turning the pages until the plot speeds to its <b>thrilling </b>conclusion.
Philadelphia Inquirer
Nine <b>red-hot </b>books ago, Lee Child concocted the <b>rough, tough Superman </b>of the crime-busting genre, as smart and charismatic as he is <b>unbeatable</b>. And then Mr. Child broke the mold...Reacher returns in this series' 10th installment, <i>The Hard Way</i>. Reading Mr. Child is not only a<b> mentally transporting</b> experience but also, at times, a <b>physical</b> one. Don't be surprised to find your hand replicating the finger movements that tip off Reacher to a keypad matrix's four-digit combination.
New York Times