A quietly devastating portrayal of a marriage . . . Krien beautifully conveys Rahel's sense of impotent frustration, familial tensions and the thwarted desires of middle age
- Hannah Beckerman, Observer
[A] slim yet powerful novel about families and relationships . . . subtle and psychologically astute . . . acutely observed
- P.D. Smith, Times Literary Supplement
With her trademark hypnotic prose, Krien looks at the nuances of a relationship with honesty and clarity. A stylish, subtle read that digs deeps into the human psyche.
- Zoe West, Woman & Home "Book of the Month"
The intersecting of a troubled past, uneasy present and increasingly uncertain future makes for a quiet, reflective read
- Catherine Taylor, Irish Times
Deeply engaging . . . Beautifully written, subtle and shines a light on the feelings and desires of middle-aged women
- Prudence Wade, Independent
Irish Times (Gloss Magazine)
<i>The Fire</i> examines the endurance of long-time love through a couple finding themselves cocooned in an isolated farmhouse for three weeks.
- Charlie Connelly, New European
[A] perfectly paced, nuanced, forgiving story of good, flawed people with a family secret at its heart
Saga Magazine "Pick of the Month"
The plot develops with summery lightness, and the intellectual depth of this book is gradually revealed.
Daniela Krien's <i>The Fire</i> achieves the masterstroke of touching upon the existential without flaunting it.
- Rainer Moritz, Neue Zuercher Zeitung
She writes clearly and without frills. Her language is never banal, but always artfully literary.
- Anke Jahns, NDR Kultur