Boyne has found a neat framework for a series of original novels, linked as much by theme and image as by character and setting. <i>Fire</i> is an exhilarating read.
You will hurtle through the book, because it is such a compelling story, so cleverly written.
Irish Examiner
Hypnotically clean, clear prose... powerful and memorable
Irish Times
Incredibly well-written
Good Housekeeping
Biographical note
John Boyne is the author of fifteen novels for adults, six for younger readers, and a collection of short stories. His 2006 novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas has sold more than 11 million copies worldwide and has been adapted for cinema, theatre, ballet, and opera. His many international bestsellers include The Heart's Invisible Furies and A Ladder to the Sky. He has won four Irish Book Awards, including Author of the Year in 2022, along with a host of other international literary prizes. His novels are published in sixty languages.
Twitter: @JohnBoyneBooks
Instagram: @JohnBoyneAuthor