It is outrageous that someone as young, beautiful and - goddamit - as happy looking as Sofie Laguna has written this wee beauty of a novel... As a "domestic" novel, it could be cliched, but Laguna, through Jimmy's wonderful eyes, makes every sentence, every word, sing and soar.
Irish Times
A book that crosses the boundaries of adult and YA fiction.
Quite an achievement... It is quite a feat to write characters with such nuance... Laguna is an author proving the novel is a crucial document of the times.
- Louise Swinn, The Weekend Australian
Harrowing, beautifully written, insightful and absorbing... Unique, forceful and absolutely hypnotic... Fresh, honest writing.
- Emily Macguire, Canberra Times
A beautiful, sombre style, relieved by occasional happy-go-lucky moments and strangely surprising resilience... Laguna has vividly brought to life what it must be like to be a different child and the effect his condition can have on a family.
Sydney Morning Herald
Jimmy is a tour de force of a character, brilliantly maintained... Laguna's great skill is in conveying the contradictory human depths in all her characters.
Adelaide Advertiser
A book that intrigues and affects every essence of your humanity... A dark and terrible tale told in lyrical, poetic language and stark imagery.
Australian Bookseller and Publisher
Laguna's child narrator both emphasises and conceals, through simple yet articulate images, the complicated extent of suffering and release.
Guardian on One Foot Wrong
<i>A</i>n extraordinary achievement. Hester's voice is original and compelling...compels us to see our familiar world as new and intriguing - no small feat.
- Jo Case, Big Issue on One Foot Wrong