<b>An essential work.</b> <i>The Doll </i>is <b>mesmerising</b>, and like Kadare’s family home conceals both darkness and flashes of light in its interior
- Nilanjana Roy, Financial Times
The poignant observation, bitter irony and misspoken fear running through the narrator’s central relationship with his mother, a woman secretly terrified of being disowned as unworthy the moment her son achieves the fame he so desires, are what dominate this<b> fascinating study of a difficult love</b>.
- John Burnside, Guardian
In a properly ordered world, Ismail Kadare would by now have got the Nobel prize for literature. By any reckoning, he is <b>one of the most important living European writers</b>, a man whose work is as <b>compelling</b> as any novelist to have emerged from the vanished world that was the Communist bloc
- Melanie McDonagh, Evening Standard
<b>Laconic, sinister and drily funny</b>... Miss this fatalistic, deadpan wit, well served in John Hodgson’s nicely crafted translation, and you miss something essential in Kadare.
- Boyd Tonkin, Spectator
<b>Albania's greatest living novelist</b> has invariably explored his country’s repressive political legacy in his strange and brilliant novels... [<i>The Doll</i>] can only enrich our understanding and appreciation of Kadare’s writing.
Daily Mail
An <b>evocative, captivating</b> story. Every word of this short book is there for a reason. The considered, precise language (translator John Hodgson has done a fine job) leads smoothly through various – no doubt carefully selected – life events with The Doll being the thread which holds it all together... It’s a category-defying feat of literary engineering by a writer who is totally in control.
A master storyteller
John Carey
[A] coldly brilliant novel
- Kevin Brazil, Times Literary Supplement
A novelist of dazzling mastery
One of the world's greatest living writers