"<i>Do or Die</i> is utterly unhinged in the best of ways."
- <I>Kara Dennison</I>, on <I>Do or Die</I>,
"The pace was as blistering with no time for respite, the author did the action bits quite brilliantly"
- <I>I Hate 00 Critics</I>, on<I> Do or Die</I>,
<i>"Its a great book filled with grossness, natural and very well written flowing dialogue and leaves you craving more."</i>
- <I>Big Geordie Geek</I>, on <I>Last Resort</I>,
<i>"It took a theme and a story that I'd seen done a lot and put a whole new fun spin on things. Now I'm even more excited to see what else the Zombicide books will do, and how wild they're going to be."</i>
- <I>Trans-Scribe</I>, on<I> Last Resort</I>,