The very book to read when you wake at 3am and can't get back to sleep - mysteries, misgivings, fears and dreams and wonderment. Like nothing else.
- Philip Pullman,
In a time which celebrates fame, success, stupidity, convenience and noise, here is the perfect antidote
- John Lanchester, Daily Telegraph
A complete masterpiece, the sort of book one makes friends with and cannot bear to be parted with
- Paul Bailey, Independent
A meandering, melancholic series of reveries and meditations ... beguiling and mysterious
- William Boyd,
It's hard to explain how this modernist hymnal of boredom, fatigue, dejection and jadedness is so beautiful and life affirming
- Mike McCormack, New Statesman Books of the Year
To read and then contemplate him is to be lifted a little bit above the earth in a floating bubble. One becomes both of the world and not of it. There's no one like him, apart from all of us.
- Nicholas Lezard, Guardian
An odd, occasionally exasperating and sometimes beautiful book and one that will be your friend at 3am on a sleepless night.
- Sophia Martelli, Observer
Fernando Pessoa was simply one of the best 20th-century writers ever... captivating... a series of beautifully wistful reminiscences, diary entries and aphoristic snippets... we recommend it like crazy. Pick one up and open it anywhere and we promise you'll be richly rewarded.
- Stuart Hammond, Dazed and Confused
Gorgeous ... utterly original
The New York Times
A reading experience unlike any other ... you will never forget it, or stop waiting to return to it
- Chris Power, New Statesman