A wonderful rediscovery, like a perfectly preserved time capsule, but also a terrific novel by any standards - human, suspenseful, shot through with hard-earned wisdom
- Lee Child,
Captivating, moving, unputdownable. . . One of the best Berlin novels, sitting alongside Hans Fallada's <i>Alone in Berlin</i>
- Jens Bisky, Süddeutsche Zeitung
An unbelievable rediscovery, much like Hans Fallada's <i>Alone in Berlin. . .</i> Very few books recreate in such a way the nightmarish and intense hell that was the end of the Second World War
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung,
Magnificently vivid. . . Art has a habit of resurfacing, when it is worthwhile
Budapest Times
An epic work of documentary fiction. . . Its driving narrative and emotional heft keep us rapt. . . compelling and moving
Herald Scotland
Heinz Rein lived through the final fighting when Hitler, from his bunker, decreed that any German officer ordering a retreat was to be killed on the spot by his own men. <i>Berlin Finale</i> is of interest now chiefly as valuable testimony from one who was there. . . It has the kind of doom-laden splendour of one of John Martin's apocalyptic visions
New Statesman
Spellbinding . . . vividly conveys the devastation wrought on Berlin by Allied bombing raids and the terrible, almost sub-human existence endured by its surviving citizens
- Richard Hopton,