<p><b>Praise for <i>Providence</i></b><br /><br />
“ ‘Well, if you lived in Providence,’ Geoffrey Wolff writes in his 1986 novel, ‘it was difficult not to feel a shiver of pride...that the whole New England mob got run out of a laundry on Atwells Avenue.’ And pride is what I felt upon rereading this funny, audacious, spitfire of a novel. My beloved city is captured perfectly here, from Federal Hill to College Hill, it’s all in here—WJAR, the Agawam, the Brown rink, Benevolent Street—full of the kind of characters that populate this ‘jerkwater that outsiders bombed past on their way to Cape Cod.’ What a delight to have this Providence back in the world.”<br />—<b>Ann Hood</b>, author of <i>The Knitting Circle</i><br /><br />
“What distinguishes <b><i>Providence</i></b> from most thrillers, from most novels really, is the care it takes in its language. Wolff’s ear is perfect....If Ezra Pound had written a thriller, it might have been <b><i>Providence</i></b>.”<br />—<b>David Remnick</b>, author of <i>Holding the Note</i> and editor of <i>The New Yorker</i><br /><br />
“Absolutely dazzling.”<br />
—<b><i>New York Times</i></b><br /><br />
“The plot catches you by the throat.”<br />
—<b><i>The Atlantic</i></b><br /><br />
“Geoffrey Wolff is probably one of the best writers in America. I can tell you that each of the few times I put <b><i>Providence</i></b> down I looked at the jacket photograph of the author and wished, with distressing envy, that I could write about a third as well.”<br />—<b>Thomas Mallon</b> in <i>The American Spectator</i><br /><br />
“Cruises along like a hot-wired Mercedes.”<br />
—<b><i>Cleveland Plain Dealer</i></b><br /><br />
“Tough-minded, funny, and savage.”<br />
—<b><i>Boston Globe</i></b><br /><br />
“Nerve-racking...it will give any reader a stepped-up pulse.”<br />
—<b><i>People</i></b><br /><br />
“Providence, R.I., is more than the backdrop for this intriguing tale; the city, faultlessly captured, assumes a role as crucial as those played by the main characters. Wolff’s setting and characters come alive in a way that may shock and frighten some readers.”<br />
—<b><i>Publishers Weekly</i></b><br /><br />
“<b><i>Providence</i></b> overspills with characters of consequence, with the speech and sounds of a place and time. It reads like one long chase scene, whirling from subplot to subplot, person to person. The result is exhilarating.”<br />
—<b><i>Wall Street Journal</i></b><br /><br />
“The plot catches you by the throat. The subtlety in <b><i>Providence</i></b> lies . . . above all in the writing. It includes multitudes, the writing does: wisps from the old masters, the latest burble from pop culture, media noise, drug talk, Valspeak East—everything is here.”<br />
—<b><i>The Atlantic</i></b><br /><br />
“<b><i>Providence</i></b> is simply the pleasurable/morally terrifying novel one always hopes to find and seldom does.”<br />
—<b><i>Village Voice</i></b><br /><br />
“Ingenious structure, flawless rhythms of speech, elegantly restrained imagery.”<br />
—<b><i>Los Angeles Times</i></b><br /><br />
“<b><i>Providence</i></b> is a history, a veiled commentary on how America as we know it came be.”<br />
—<b><i>New Republic</i></b></p>