The first legal thriller from Detective Harry Bosch creator Michael Connelly is a knockout ... Oozing hard-boiled Los Angeles attitude both in the car and in the courtroom, Mickey's a treat
There are moments of real tension, before Connelly, the master storyteller, comes up with a solution worthy of John Grisham. A fine start to a welcome new series
A legal thriller may be a new departure for Michael Connelly, but it has all the hallmarks that have rightly made his Harry Bosch books so popular: credible characters, skilful scene-setting, a gripping plot and utter authenticity
Potent, stand-alone thriller ... Brilliantly plotted and played out, with court scenes which winch up the tension to breaking point. New territory for Connelly, author of the peerless Harry Bosch series, but immediately expert, exciting and absorbing. Connelly writes the kind of book that dares you to put it down. Chances are that you won't. Too much is likely to happen while you leave it unattended
THE LINCOLN LAWYER is a pitch-perfect LA noir legal thriller that proves what I've been thinking for a long time now, that Michael Connelly is one of the very best writers working today in any genre. A modern Raymond Chandler for what he calls 'the world without truth'
- Carlos Ruiz Zafon, SUNDAY TELEGRAPH
The thriller of the year