When the world ended...The Cull swept the world in the early years of the twenty-first century, killing billions and ending civilisation. Only a fortunate few, blessed with the right blood type, were spared. In the chaos of the Afterblight, scientists, priests—even armed robbers—may become leaders, or heroes. In Malcolm Cross’s Orbital Decay, the team in the International Space Station watch helplessly as the world is all but wiped out. Exiled from Earth by his blood-type, astronaut Alvin Burrows must solve the mystery of the “Pandora” experiment, even as someone on the station takes to murdering the crew one by one...In C. B. Harvey’s Dead Kelly, fugitive and convict “Dead” Kelly McGuire returns from hiding out in the Bush to the lawless city of Melbourne. McGuire has three jobs to do: to be revenged on his old gangmates, to confront some uncomfortable truths about his past, and—ultimately—to discover his own terrible destiny...In Adrian Tchaikovsky’s The Bloody Deluge, Katy Lewkowitz and her friend and old tutor Dr. Emil Weber, fleeing the depredations of the so-called New Teutonic Order, take refuge among the strangely anachronistic survivors at the monastery of Jasna Góra in Western Poland. A battle of faith ensues, that could decide the future of humankind...
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The Cull swept the world in the early 2010s, killing billions. Only a fortunate few, blessed with the right blood type, were spared. In the chaos of the Afterblight, scientists, priests – even armed robbers – may become leaders, or heroes. Adrian Tchaikovsky, C.B. Harvey and Malcolm Cross lead us into the apocalypse...
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Abaddon Books
290 gr
198 mm
128 mm
26 mm
00, G, 01
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Biographical note

Adrian Tchaikovsky is the author of the Shadows of the Apt, Guns of the Dawn, Children of Time, Children of Ruin, the Echoes of the Fall series starting with The Tiger and the Wolf, Dogs of War, Redemption’s Blade, Cage of Souls, the Tales of the Apt collections, and the novellas The Bloody Deluge, Even in the Cannon’s Mouth, Ironclads and Walking to Aldebaran. He has won the Arthur C Clarke and Robert Holdstock awards.

Malcolm Cross lives in London and enjoys the personal space and privacy that the city is known for. When not misdirecting tourists to nonexistent landmarks, Malcolm is likely to be writing science fiction and fantasy. He won the 2012 Ursa Major Award for Short Fiction. Malcolm's blood-type is O-positive, and he has a cough. Not long, now...

CB Harvey won the first Pulp Idol award, jointly conferred by SFX Magazine and Gollancz Publishing. Since then he’s written for the Doctor Who and Highlander ranges by Big Finish, worked on videogames and roleplaying games and written a Commando comic. He has a PhD in videogame storytelling. No, really.