A really excellent suspense novelist
Stephen King
For noir to be good, one must plunge one's head underwater and come out just shy of drowning. Pierre Lemaitre has dared everything here.
Le Parisien
Lemaitre takes his sardonic skills to new heights with this dark, loopy thriller, which portrays the modern workplace as the last place a displaced soul would ever want to be.
Kirkus Reviews
This is a fine literary thriller told in a wry, educated style with sly references to everybody from Hawthorne to Mailer.
A literary thriller whose plot twists, turns, backtracks, and loops like a medieval maze until one despairs of ever finding a way to a resolution. It is a puzzle palace, a funhouse of deception, where nothing and no one is what one first believes.
New York Journal of Books
Pierre Lemaitre's <i>Inhuman Resources</i> is further proof that he has replaced Fred Vargas as the premier French crime writer . . . As ever with Lemaitre, this is exhilarating stuff.
- Barry Forshaw, Guardian.