"Apocalyptic, visionary, and mad, it flies off the page and stays lodged intractably wherever it lands."
- Publishers Weekly (starred review),
"László Krasznahorkai is the undisputed laureate of our deranged, vulnerable epoch"
- Eileen Battersby - The Irish Times,
"László Krasznahorkai is a visionary writer of extraordinary intensity and vocal range who captures the texture of present-day existence in scenes that are terrifying, strange, appallingly comic, and often shatteringly beautiful."
- Marina Warner - Announcing the Man Booker International Prize,
"Krasznahorkai constantly pushes beyond the expected, escalating everything to the brink of deliriousness."
- Idra Novey - The New York Times Book Review,
"A writer of immense talent, capable of creating stories that are both unforgettably visceral and beautiful on the page."
- Claire Kohda Hazelton - The Guardian,
"There is no rest, no comfort in thoughts of the good, for this man in flight from unknown others who may be secret police agents, assassins, or mere hunters. Particularly beguiling are the percussive sonic vignettes that accompany the book chapter by chapter, available online via QR codes at the head of each.... Allusive and acerbic: a brilliant work that proves the adage that even paranoiacs have enemies."
- Kirkus (starred review),
"The Hungarian iconoclast’s vision of spiritual terror is now available in surround sound."
- Sam Sacks - Wall Street Journal,
"Once again, Krasznahorkai demonstrates that his ability to convey the instability of existence and evoke the menace inherent in everyday life is without equal."
- Declan O'Driscoll - The Irish Times,
"When the Hungarian novelist László Krasznahorkai releases a new short work, you can immediately infer a few things: it will be mad (ravingly so) and preoccupied with its own madness; it will consist of fewer sentences than pages; it’s likely to include works of art; and it will be far, far denser than its length seems to allow. Krasznahorkai’s new book, <em>Chasing Homer</em>, is a cacophonous, confounding work."
- Will Fenstermaker - Frieze,
"László Krasznahorkai is gifted with seductive powers"
- Elaine Margolin - World Literature Today,
"Joyce, Beckett and Kafka provide the obvious points of reference. But there’s also an element of experimental theater in Neumann’s eerily evocative paintings, Szilveszter’s heart-pounding, and Krasznahorkai’s disturbing illogic... If any of this sounds excessively avant-garde, it should be added that <em>Chasing Homer</em> is as immediate, and almost as engrossing, as binge-watching."
- Mary Maxwell - On the Seawall,
"László Krasznahorkai’s latest book cages a delirious mind in a tightly wrapped piece of fiction."
- Rain Taxi,
"What Krasznahorkai’s maladjusted, fearful, logorrheic heroes offer is an alternative to contemporary disillusionment: not solipsistic defensiveness or brutal realpolitik, but the hope that somewhere out there, across an unbreachable border, lies something better."
- Alexander Wells - New Left Review,