<i>Becoming the Boogeyman</i> is a <b>compulsive, utterly immersive twist of fact and fiction</b>. Richard Chizmar masterfully blends reality and imagination to deliver something wholly original and<b> totally gripping</b> from start to finish. I couldn't stop turning the pages, even when I wanted to turn away. Don't miss this edge-of-your-seat chiller that will keep you guessing - and guessing again
Lisa Unger
Richard Chizmar has pulled off one hell of a sequel, delivering the <b>rare thriller</b> that is truly original and unlike anything else you'll read this year. While the tension is high and the chills plentiful, it is the human heart of the book that lingers once the tale is told
Michael Koryta
A worthy and frightening sequel to Chizmar's <i>Chasing the Boogeyman</i>. <b>Terrific storytelling</b>
Stephen King
Chizmar is a master of capturing the horrors beneath the surface of suburbia. King would certainly approve here - <b>this is stunning</b>.
Daily Mail