To the truly imaginative he is a talisman and a key unlocking rich storehouses of dreams
- H P Lovecraft,
Lord Dunsany's work is immensely significant as well as enjoyable even today
- Katharine Kerr,
One of the greatest writers of this century
- Arthur C Clarke,
It's not simply the beauty of the language, the astute eye for character, the hint of humor, or even the spell of legendry and wonder, but Dunsany's unique combination of all of the above. Even read today, with all the fantasy novels I've read, his work remains fresh and exuberant
Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
A delicate ear for speech rhythms and a brilliantly exact imagination
- Ursula K Le Guin,
No amount of mere description can convey more than a fraction of Lord Dunsany's pervasive charm
- H P Lovecraft,