'There's never a slow moment in their journey or a false line in Armstrong's writing.' - Charlaine Harris, author of Dead to the World'Kelley Armstrong has created a gritty, realistic world both teen and adult readers will enjoy. Edge-of-the-seat reading, with plenty of surprises. I want the next installment now!' - Kim Harrison, author of White Witch, Black CurseThe nail-biting climax to Kelley Armstrong's bestselling Darkest Powers trilogyChloe Saunders is fifteen and would love to be normal. Unfortunately, Chloe happens to be a genetically engineered necromancer who can raise the dead without even trying. She and her equally gifted (or should that be 'cursed'?) friends are now running for their lives from the evil corporation that created them. As if that's not enough, Chloe is struggling with her feelings for Simon, a sweet-tempered sorcerer, and his brother Derek, a not so sweet-tempered werewolf. And she has a horrible feeling she's leaning towards the werewolf...Definitely not normal.The explosive final part of the Darkest Powers trilogy, Kelley Armstrong's internationally bestselling YA series.Books by Kelley Armstrong:Women of the Otherworld seriesBittenStolenDime Store MagicIndustrial MagicHauntedBrokenNo Humans InvolvedPersonal DemonLiving with the DeadFrost BittenWalking the WitchSpellboundThirteenNadia StaffordExit StrategyMade to be BrokenWild JusticeRocktonCity of the LostA Darkness AbsoluteThis Fallen PreyWatcher in the WoodsAlone in the WildDarkest PowersThe SummoningThe AwakeningThe ReckoningOtherworld TalesMen of the OtherworldTales of the OtherworldOtherworld NightsOtherworld SecretsOtherworld ChillsDarkness RisingThe GatheringThe CallingThe RisingCainsvilleOmensVisionsDeceptionsBetrayalsRituals
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