"Pratt has a really phenomenal hold on the lore of the Arkham universe and it is evident in his writing."
- <I>Mister Ghost Reads</I>, on <I>Herald of Ruin</I>,
"It’s a hugely fun ride, and I’m certainly looking forward to how the story continues in future."
- <I>Cats Books,</I> on <I>Herald of Ruin</I>,
"A fun read for the summer that sets up more action coming soon, so check out <i>Herald of Ruin</i>."
- <I>Cosmic Circus</I>, on <I>Herald of Ruin</I>,
"<i>The Ravening Deep</i> struck the perfect balance between creep factor and fun!"
- <i>Witty and Sarcastic Book Club</i>, on <i>The Ravening Deep</i>,