“This ambitious series opener from Douglas...throws military sci-fi tropes and time-honored conspiracy theories into a blender to create a bonkers alternate present...Douglas gleefully combines an eclectic mix of conspiracies, among them Roswell Greys, humanoid lizards, and space-faring Nazis, while launching his characters into intergalactic battles with the skillful combat sequences fans well expect.” — Publishers Weekly on Alien Secrets ?“Douglas does a good job keeping the action rolling along. The rapid-fire pace is just what some readers are looking for...The end sets up the next adventure in a very good way...There is more action and adventure to come, and that is a good thing.” — SFRevu on Alien Secrets “The complexity of the world building is breathtaking, especially considering the scope and breadth of space and time explored…. [The] mind of Ian Douglas is obviously a fascinating place! Some of his creations are Stephen King horror-worthy, while others are both fascinatingly unique and quite unexpected…Douglas does a marvelous job at blending together the past, present, and even the future as he crafts a science fiction story very unlike any other I’ve read. If you love alien-themed science fiction, then Ian Douglas has a real treat in store for you!” — Fresh Fiction on Alien Secrets “The action is full-blooded and almost nonstop, yet the well-developed background is surprisingly rich and logical.” — Kirkus Reviews (starred review) on Earth Strike