This exquisitely written novel by a pseudonymous popular author blends gritty military fantasy with the 18th-century island story tradition... With inexorable emotional logic and an eye for detail, deftly weaving in flashbacks to wartime, Parker carries the reader on a headlong gallop to the powerful conclusion.
I have reviewed books before that I thought might someday be found to have achieved greatness.... But I am trying to be precise in my use of the word when I tell you that K.J. Parker is writing work after work that demands to be placed in that category.
Imagine <i>Lost </i>meets <i>The Italian Job</i>...a masterfully planned and executed book, one that builds on ever-revealing characterization and back-story, leading slowly yet inexorably to its final conclusion.
Skilful plotting and rich scene-setting . . . leaves the reader wanting more
The Guardian