In his sensitive and discerning introduction, Sorrell finds much of what ws to beomce the quintessentially Verlainaian hallmarks in the book: 'sensuality, a disposition to melancholy and to daydreaming, misty half-tones, and patterns of versification straining to break th stricter rules of French prosody.
Stephen Romer, Times Literary Supplement, Friday 19th May 00.
there has been no really substantial selection of Verlaine's work in English ... One of the pleasures this volume affords ia s prolonged chance to examin yet again, through the prism of translation, the different geniuses of the two langauges. Another is to rediscover, thanks to Sorrell's selection, a swath of Verlaine's later poetry, so often occluded in the classic anthologies.
Stephen Romer, Times Literary Supplement, Friday 19th May 00.