“From the first lines of <i>Lucky Wreck</i>, I was drawn in by this smart, jaunty, musing, quirky voice, and as I read the whole book I felt more and more respect for Ada Limón’s risky, haunting, wonderfully unexpected work. Like many of the best writers, she is funny and serious at the same time, the depths and heights are one: lucky wreck!”
- Jean Valentine, author of Shirt in Heaven (praise for the first edition),
“Ada’s new book has a smart clip of anger to some of the poems, edgy parameters of disappointment to others, lots of personal relationship narratives, conflicts and emotional realizations; decisions, choices, changes, hopes and sadness, a type of survival poetry searching the world, getting into a deeper knowledge of people, and as the searchlight strobes out from the lighthouse through the fog and mist to lost travelers and explorers, structure changes toward an inventive orthodoxy of the heart’s stormy reign. . . . .bravo.”
- Jimmy Santiago Baca, author of When I Walk Through That Door, I Am (praise for the first edition),