<p>“Just as folk tales and even children’s fairy tales—or perhaps fairy tales that became children’s once humanity matured—are intended to decipher latent riddles and explain them in an experiential rather than theoretical way, so do Daniel Oz’s fables.”<br />—Dorit Zilberman</p><p><br /></p><p>“Daniel Oz’s collection of flash fables, <em>Further Up the Path</em>, is charming for the way they make the familiar strange and the strange familiar. These pieces of prose poetry blend two frames of reference, creating a new world.”<br />—Marcela Sulak, host of <em>Israel in Translation</em></p><p><em><br /></em></p><p>“Welcome to the world of Daniel Oz, dear readers. It is a place populated by unlikely characters who are just as lost and unsure as you and I. But perhaps there is a blessing in all these uncertainties. Perhaps what we don’t know will save us. In these tales—these flashes of recognition—Daniel Oz joins the tradition that begins with the Old Testament and goes all the way to Kafka and Borges to our days. It is a tradition in which a moment enters and we briefly see the lyric flame inside it.”</p><p>—Ilya Kaminsky, author of <em>Deaf Republic</em></p>