Biographical note
REUEL DENNEY was one of the leading analysts of American culture, a scholar, author, teacher, journalist, and poet. His first collection of poetry The Connecticut River and Other Poems won the Yale Younger Poets Award in 1939. The author of numerous studies of American culture, including The Astonished Muse, he may be best known as a co-author, with David Riesman and Nathan Glazer, of The Lonely Crowd. He taught at the University of Chicago and the University of Hawaii. He was at work on this collection at the time of his death in 1995.
TONY QUAGLIANO is Professor of American Culture and Society at the Japan-America Institute in Honolulu. A widely published poet and essayist whose works have appeared in New Directions and Rolling Stone, he is a contributing editor to the annual anthology The Pushcart Prize—Best of the Small Presses and is editor of KAIMANA (Diamond), the journal of the Hawaii Literary Arts Council.