In Search of the Federal Spirit examines federal theory in the context
of the new federal models that have sprung into existence since the
end of the Cold War. It utilises the federal spirit as a conceptual
lens through which to explore the revival of federalism in the
post-Cold War era - especially in the 1990s - and it seeks to place
the emergence of these new models in the theoretical context of
federal state formation. By examining the approaches of five major
contributors to the nature and meaning of federalism - Kenneth Wheare,
William Livingston, William Riker, Carl Friedrich, and Daniel Elazar -
the book identifies several different expressions of the federal
spirit that together constitute its basic political values and
principles rooted in liberal democracy. The book explains how and why
the federal spirit can survive and prosper only in conditions of
liberal democracy which allow these federal values and principles to
be freely expressed. In this way the book will connect the five
distinctive approaches to understanding federalism and their peculiar
interpretation of the federal spirit to the emergence of the new
models. This chain of reasoning leads us to look not only at federal
state formation based upon formal federal constitutions but also to
include the evolution of federal political systems that are an
integral part of the post-Cold War revival of federalism. The new
federal models are the Russian Federation, Belgium, the European
Union, Ethiopia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Nigeria, Venezuela, and Iraq
while Spain, Italy, South Africa, Argentina, and the United Kingdom
have each fashioned their own form of federal system in practice. The
logic of the argument based upon the federal spirit leads not only to
a revisionist framework of analysis to explain the key conditions of
future federal state formation but it also prompts a major
reconsideration of the conventional conceptual framework of analysis
in federalism and the proposal of a new classification of "federal
democracies". Confirmation of the firm links between federalism and
liberal democracy is further underlined by a detailed examination of
the conceptual relationships between civil society, political culture,
and liberal democratic constitutionalism. The federal spirit is shown
to be multidimensional in its properties and the book concludes with
three cases studies of Ethiopia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Iraq that
establish federalism as essentially a way of thinking - a mindset -
about creating political stability in deeply divided societies by
creating federations.
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New Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives in Comparative Federalism
OUP Oxford
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