'An atmospheric thriller with a knockout ending! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️' Diana Wilkinson No place left to run... After the shocking events of last Christmas, Jess Croft is determined this festive season will be the one to remember, for all the right reasons. But when a stranger turns up on her doorstep claiming to be her estranged father, Jess is shocked. Moreso, when the man claims that the little girl with him is none other than Jess’s sister - a child she knew nothing about. Jess isn’t sure she wants these strangers to stay, but she can’t turn them away, especially when she learns that their lives are in danger. Now Wrea Head hall isn’t just Jess’s home, it’s the only safe place for her new family to hide. A chilling psychological thriller from bestselling author L.H. Stacey, perfect for fans of Teresa Driscoll, Sue Watson, Jackie Kabler and Kendra Elliot. Praise for L.H. Stacey: 'Captivating and chilling, with an ending I didn’t see coming!' Alex Stone ‘Dark and dramatic, with an explosive ending’ Diane Saxon 'A fabulous book that hooks you in and won't let you go till the very last page!' J.A. Baker 'A must read - highly original, impossible to put down, tense, dark, absolutely riveting' Mary Grand 'I found it so easy to read as I was so engrossed in the story and the pages just kept turning. A Christmas read with a dark edge to it' ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reader Review Please note: This book was originally published as The House of Christmas Secrets
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A gripping, festive, holiday thriller from L H Stacey


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