"Generally, the book by Milsom & Rigby is a must for all beginners (especially undergraduate students) and educators in geosciences (not only palaeontology, but also general and historical geology). Additionally, the reviewer tends to recommend this book strongly for fossil amateurs and field geologists." (Zentralblatt fur Geologie und Palaontologie, 1 January 2011) <p> </p>
Biographical note
Clare Milsom is Head of Learning and Teaching Development at Liverpool John Moores University, UK She has a PhD from Liverpool University and her main research interests are in exceptionally preserved crinoids, functional morphology, and evolution.
Sue Rigby is Assistant Principal for Taught Postgraduate Degrees at the University of Edinburgh, UK. She has a PhD from Cambridge and concentrates her research on the evolution of plankton and the functional morphology of graptolites.
Both authors enjoy teaching and have substantial experience in presenting paleontology to earth science and biology students.