"Groundbreaking... The Zodiac of Paris provides intriguing insight into a tumultuous era."--Andrew Robinson, Nature "An impressive piece of scholarship."--Jo Marchant, New Scientist "[T]his book [is] one of the best that I have read in the history of science in the last ten years."--William R. Shea, Journal of the History of Science "[M]agnificently erudite."--Owen Gingerich, Journal for the History of Astronomy "This book is a model of how to enliven the activities of scientists, theologians, and publicists by exposing the cultural parameters of their times."--Donald J. Dietrich, European Legacy "Through the circulation of visual representations and overlapping and conflicting interpretations of ancient Egyptian zodiacs, Buchwald and Josefowicz reanimate the tumultuous politics and ever-shifting landscape of late eighteenth-century and early nineteenth-century France and give us a rich view of this period's ongoing grapplings with the proper roles and limits of historical, scientific and religious evidence and argumentation."--Jane Murphy, Journal of BJHS "The story of the Frenchmen Fourier, Biot, and Arago in this saga makes for some interesting reading, as does the supporting roles played by such mathematical luminaries as Laplace, Poisson, and Lagrange."--Michele Intermont, MAA Reviews "While The Zodiac of Paris can be read as a tale of intriguing complexity and many surprises, it is also rich in perspectives that might potentially illuminate the broader intellectual and political alignments in Restoration society... [C]ultural historians of nineteenth-century France should read and digest [this] book that offers not just a meticulously researched and finely written account of a fascinating episode but also a probe into the passage of a certain strand of Enlightenment values into the new, burgeoning world of nineteenth-century professional society."--Robert Fox, Metascience "The authors have uncovered one of those moments in the past that could never be guessed at given our current knowledge alone. The detail, care, and thoroughness with which they have resurrected these strange, contentious times can only be commended."--Theresa Levitt, Metascience "This is one of the first profound studies of a momentous shift in the history of Western civilization, the emergence of a new godless cosmic and social order."--David Aubin, Metascience "[A] wonderful book that richly repays close reading."--James Evans, ISIS