<i>'Students and researchers who do not know much about Neo-Schumpeterian macroeconomics should read this book. It offers quick and easy access to well-respected empirical articles in this area and to some policy-oriented articles of interest especially to researchers oriented towards technology policy in smaller, open economies. Researchers who are already quite familiar with this type of work should do three things. First, they should advise their students to read this volume. Second, they should borrow this book from these students to read the introduction, and third, they should closely monitor future work by Jan Fagerberg.'</i>
- Bart Los, Journal of Evolutionary Economics,
<i>'A brilliant, articulate and eminently readable collection of essays by one of Norway's leading economists.'</i>
- Angus Maddison, University of Groningen, The Netherlands,
<i>'For over 20 years, Jan Fagerberg has been one of the most authoritative and also one of the most original writers on the theory of economic growth. He combines a deep grounding in classical growth theory with a thorough critical understanding of the quantitative techniques used in many contemporary and recent growth models. His own approach is characterised by breadth of historical analysis as well as quantitative empirical rigour. This is a rare combination and these essays deserve to be very widely read and discussed.'</i>
- Christopher Freeman, SPRU - Science and Technology Policy Research, University of Sussex, UK and Maastricht University, The Netherlands,